Social Wellness Groups

We come together online for our social wellness groups!

What happens after being discharged from individual speech therapy?

You might feel left with all the tools you’ve learned but unable to use or practice them in real life.

I understand that after a brain injury, there are consequences. Many lose friends and relationships, and there’s isolation and loneliness.

I hear this often from my patients.

You can no longer drive or have restrictions that allow for driving only short distances. You call an old friend, and they don’t pick up the phone. Your spouse doesn’t understand why going to a restaurant is overwhelming or ordering food is hard.

Your life feels changed forever, but you no longer have to feel fearful, isolated, or frustrated! Just because you experienced a brain injury doesn’t mean people should treat you differently.

There are new challenges and things to learn and adjust to, but human dignity, respect, understanding, and compassion are non-negotiable.

It’s time to make new friends.

You’ve waited long enough and are ready to meet new folks you can comfortably talk to and relate to in a meaningful way.

I understand it’s intimidating having a conversation after a brain injury. Worries and questions fill your head.

“Will I get distracted? Will I understand and be able to follow along? Will I remember the details? Will I say the right thing or even find the right words?”

Together, we will work on all these communication skills in a fun and functional environment that relieves stress from the thought of “doing speech,” positively connecting us, and stimulating creative thinking, all while boosting self-esteem and helping regulate emotions in a social setting.

It’s time for you to get your confidence back and shine!

Whether we talk about a new movie that hit the theaters, pick a magazine article to read as a group, engage in a discussion, or play conversation games, the possibilities are endless for social engagement, fun, AND function.

These groups are motivating, challenging, enjoyable, often lively, and amusing.

Our group sessions run for 60 minutes. You don’t need to worry about going anywhere, finding a ride, or stressing about lousy weather because all sessions are teletherapy!

Let’s fill your cup of tea, coffee, and fellowship, and come and join us!

Don’t delay. Call today at (757) 529-0600.