Aphasia Therapy

It’s so difficult to find the right words.

It’s unbelievably frustrating. You want to tell a short story, but it takes you so long to find the right words that the moment passes.

Talking about words being on the tip of your tongue is a daily/hourly occurrence. So you begin to substitute words or leave them out completely.

And you fear you are not making sense to others.

Comprehension can be affected, too.

Sometimes, you can speak using the words you want – but you don’t understand the response.

Or perhaps you are struggling to keep up with a conversation. It seems the sentences are extra-long, and you cannot think clearly about what is being said.

Complex questions simply go unanswered.

What is Aphasia?

Aphasia is a language impairment affecting comprehension and/or an individual’s ability to speak, read, and write. It can occur due to a stroke or head injury.

Quality of life and day-to-day interaction is affected when faced with challenges of finding the right words to speak and understanding what is being said around you.

With help, the right words can be found.

Treatment focuses on functional language recovery to optimize daily living tasks and a return to as much normalcy as possible. Some patients make a full recovery; for others, it’s a slower process.

The best intervention starts early in one-to-one therapy and progresses to a group setting where patients can try their communication skills in a safe environment. Practicing initiating conversations, turn-taking, clarifying misunderstandings, and fixing broken conversations are functional and effective ways to assist long-term recovery.

Aphasia therapy can be highly structured with functional and personally meaningful drill-based exercises focused on word-finding and processing speed. Or, as in a group setting, the therapy is practicing conversational skills with social partners.

Let’s return you to a life you enjoy living.

I have many years of experience working with the aphasia population and have seen great recoveries happen!

I understand the need for therapy to be functional, embracing your wants and needs to get you back to the life you love!

Let’s talk today – (757) 529-0600.