Individual Therapy for Adults

One day at a time. One step at a time. Sometimes, one heartbeat at a time.

When tragedy strikes from a stroke or brain injury, lives change forever.

You no longer have to feel fearful, isolated, or frustrated! I understand that having difficulty speaking, understanding, remembering, and thinking can make you feel heartbroken, embarrassed, frustrated, and defeated.

Your quality of life is driven by how you interact with your daily environment, family, friends, co-workers, or school peers. How you’re able to understand, communicate, reason, and think is essential to your goals and ambitions.

Your brain is now working with roadblocks in place, and we’re going to pave new roads and create new pathways around those barriers so you can start thriving again!

Getting started is straightforward.

The first step is to set up an initial evaluation. During the evaluation, I focus on rapport so we can get to know each other while also using functional tasks to get an in-person look at your daily challenges.

You’re coming to me to work on something(s) that is standing in your way, and I want to know the best way to help you.

We will use the evaluation data, conversation, personal feelings, goals, and family input to develop a plan to meet your needs through therapy. Therapy will be a functional look into what you want to address specifically regarding your memory, thinking ability, and communication needs.

We work as a team so you can feel confident in things that matter to you, like calling your friends and family, ordering food at a restaurant, planning and organizing your workload, reading a favorite book, or discussing your favorite movie!

Here’s what we’ll do and how therapy looks.

Treatment runs 30-60 minutes, depending on your needs. You will speak, think, read, or write during our sessions. Therapy can include exercises for your lips, tongue, face, diaphragm, and voice to enhance strength, agility, and coordination for clearer speech.

If we’re targeting cognition, we may work together on the following: problem-solving your day-to-day struggles, learning strategies, studying, and remembering those important points for an upcoming test or work presentation, helping you re-organize your thoughts and behaviors, or troubleshooting a difficult situation.

We target speech through building conversation using your pictures, hobbies, interests, or passions to find the words you want to say. We may also target advanced comprehension through initiating and following a discussion about a favorite movie or book.

Each component has various levels, and it’s important to know that they all interconnect, using up, and exchanging brain energy! My job is to help you solve the puzzle and start feeling like those pieces are connecting once again.

I will challenge and motivate you the entire way!

Let’s get you to where you want to be. I am excited to begin helping you!

Don’t wait. Call today: (757) 529-0600.